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* Products are not sold online but available after one appointment.

Take control of your health with
herbal medicine!

Time-tested remedies for optimum health.

In recent years, many people have realized the value of fresh air, sunshine and healthy eating.  Adding the right herbs along with healthy eating can restore your body to it's natural balance.

Herbal Medicine Traditionally

Herbal medicine is the oldest form of health care known to mankind. Herbs have been used by all cultures throughout history. Apparently, primitive man observed and appreciated the great diversity of plants available to him. The plants provided food, clothing, shelter, and medicine. Much of the medicinal use of plants seems to have been developed through observations of wild animals, and by trial and error. The use of plants as medicine is older than recorded history.  The knowledge of herbal medicine is one of humankind's greatest achievements!  Every man and woman, young or old, healthy or dis-eased, can benefit daily from herbal teas, tinctures and oils.

Herbal medicine includes leaves, roots, flowers & bark of plants taken in herbal capsules, teas, tinctures,  tonics, salves and more.

Herbs have tremendous healing powers with less side effects than synthetic drugs when used properly. When added to your daily routine they can have profound effects on the mind, body and spirit. Herbs have been used traditionally by all people. It is my hope to introduce you to the benefits of coming back to a more organic way of living, by utilizing herbs and the healing potential of food as medicine.

Herbal Healing Today

Herbs are commonly prescribed by conventional physicians in Europe. In 1978, the German Commission E published a list of more than 300 herbs, noting research attesting to their safety and effectiveness, as well as possible side effects.  Mostly people in "developing" countries continue to use "traditional" herb treatments daily while a large percentage of people in countries such as India and China rely solely on herbal medicine for all of their health care needs.  In fact, about 80 percent of the world population still relies largely on plant-based medicine.  The United States has lagged behind in its acceptance of herbal therapies and treatments.

Modern Medicine evolved from Natural Medicine: Chemical compounds in plants work by binding to receptor molecules present in the body; these processes are similar to western drugs in how they work, but in an unmodified natural state. Most conventional drugs are derived from natural medicine. In a modern age where we are inundated by unnatural ways of living and eating, re-introducing medicine that comes from nature, can help re-establish total harmony within you.

Why start taking herbs for your health?

  • Many herbal treatments are very effective handed-down home remedies.
  • Herbal medicine worked in ancient times and they still work today.
  • Avoid harmful side-effects of pharmaceutical medication.
  • Save on medical bills.

Why work with a professional herbalist?

  • Each person will react differently.
  • Everyone's digestive system is different.
  • Packaged herbal programs cannot adjust for your individuality.
  • Based on wrist pulses, tongue reading and symptoms, herbs are blended.
  • A follow-up appointment allows for adjustments to be made.

Why use custom blends

  • Herbs are not generally not used individually but in combination
  • Rarely does one herb provide all actions needed.
  • Blends will address the main issues and other imbalances.

"All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the challenge of science is to find it." Philippus

Herbal Products

Almost any condition within the human body can be changed with the right herbs taken in the right amount for the right amount of time.

Quality assurance  

To ensure the highest quality product, Khabir is working directly with farmers, wide harvesters and suppliers in India.  Khabir with his associates and fulltime staff in India are supervising and inspecting all herbs after harvesting and processing to be assured that each herb is of the highest quality and that the preparation process is done correctly.    When the bulk herbs arrive, they then expertly handcrafted and formulated according to traditional principles of Ayurveda.  By controlling every step along the way, and not purchases premade products, Khabir’s Clinic is able to provide the highest quality, purest and ultimately the most effect Ayurveda products available

* All products are certified organic or wild harvested.

"My beloved herbal teas have been crafted to perfection for over 20 years using the freshest organic ingredients. Unlike commercial boxed tea bags, my loose-leaf herbal tea formulations are delicious, long-lasting, very effective and economical." Khabir  



Individual / Phone Consultations
First, I assess your current state of health and discuss your healthcare goals. I will employ observation, questioning and touch to assess the current state of balance/imbalance. I will use your pulse, tongue, eyes, health history, level of toxicity and current symptoms to determine the herbal treatment. This consultation requires one session with preferably one or more follow-up sessions.

If you would like to know my views about your health or set an appointment see: 

For appointment details see 

To set an appointment see 

To get started or discus your health issues with Khabir please submit Online Health Assessment.

Taking the first step is simple. Call or Text:

(805) 858-9222



Recent Testimonials

  • "wonderful staff"

    " So Appreciative! Thank you.  I am finally on my new path to a healthy lifestyle! I am so pleased to have recently found Ayurvedic guidelines from Khabir that would get to the root of the resistant high blood pressure I’m currently experiencing. I’m excited and in expectation of permanent results. Khabir is caring, very knowledgeable and has a wonderful staff. Thank you Khabir!"   Ms Dee M, Los Angeles CA, Oct. 2023

  • ". . . in just a few short weeks I am already seeing significant changes in ALL areas!"

    "I was so fortunate to find Dr. Khabir and even better yet that his office is only minutes from my new home. Moving to a new state created a lot of stress on my system - some I didn't even realized until after we talked. Khabir was just a joy to speak with, he asked me questions I had never thought about. And he started working in an area of concern that I thought was the lowest concern but figured I would go with it anyway as I knew I was out of balance. I have taken the right herbs, along with the Ayurvedic diet changes and in just a few short weeks I am already seeing significant changes in ALL areas! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Khabir and benefit from his vast knowledge of Ayurvedic diet, lifestyle and herbal influences."  Karen Romine, San Antonio TX, 2022

  • "Nothing I have ever tried before has helped me this much . . ."

    "I had my first appointment with Dr. Khabir Southwick 6 months ago, and I see consistent excellent results since adopting the prescribed diet and herbs into my daily routine 6 months ago. Nothing I have ever tried before has helped me this much. I am much, much healthier physically, mentally, and emotionally. I highly recommend Khabir Southwick."  Donna Taylor, Austin TX. March 2022

  • " Thank you . . . for help[ing] me gain better health and heal my skin."

    "I wanted to thank you for all your help and wonderful products you have created, as I have been feeling better than I have for a long time and my skin has cleared up. You are extremely skilled and an expert in herbs. You have given me lots of great advice, as well as guidance on diet, herbs, and overall important aspects of my life to work on to help me gain better health and heal my skin. It's great to have nice skin again!!!!!  Thank you so much!!!" Sally Mitchell. Rigby, ID, Nov. 2021

  • Ayurvedic Healing Master

    'Kabir will give you the compassionate attention to detail you need in order to form the precise herbs and diet to order to balance your dosha and return to homeostasis. My results were significant after my first month of following the recommended way of eating and taking the herbs he prescribed. I would highly recommend Kabir as an alternative to Allopathic medicine which offers only drugs and surgery. You will be made whole again as he guides your body into perfect balance. Thank you Kabir"   Leila Stephens, Ventura CA, Sep. 2021


Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick