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Health is dependent on good digestion; and if digestion is poor, our health will be poor. This is characterized with symptoms such as gas, bloating, constipation and acidity, eventually resulting in fatigue, inflammation, and eventually this can result in structural changes in the GI tract (such as diverticuli.)  Digestion is my specialty and the results are impressive.

All Testimonial Categories

"It’s been a week, I know my digestion is getting better . . ."

Amazed! I was a bit skeptical because my reason for reaching out to Dr. Khabir was for my extremely dry painful lips. I was referred by my sister and didn’t know anything about him. His main focus was my IBS which I thought I had under control. After following Dr. Khabir’s instructions on eating and taking the herbs he prescribed to me, I’ve noticed a difference with my lips. I can feel the moisture coming back and my lips no longer hurt. It’s been a week, I know my digestion is getting better because my lips feel better. I am so thankful and grateful!.  Tiffany Berkley, Santa Clarita, CA. July 2024

"I was able to stop taking the herbs as my digestive system began to regulate on its own."

'I had my initial appointment with Khabir after experiencing strong symptoms related to digestion such as bloating, poor appetite, constipation and low back pain.  Khabir’s recommendations of simple dietary changes and digestive herbs quickly worked! After one month I was able to stop taking the herbs as my digestive system began to regulate on its own.

The most important thing working with Khabir has taught me was to listen to my body, what I wanted was what it NEEDED! After falling victim to all sorts of online health advice and fads about what is “healthy” and what I “should”  be eating only through my body off balance! Khabir’s natural herbs along with his professional wisdom is what I needed. Along with physically feeling better I have mentally felt extremely grounded and happy. No more nervous anxiety and head in the clouds. I have been able to make decisions concerning my life based on my centered intuition. I have never felt this healthy and had this much natural energy in my adult life! Thank you Khabir Southwick"  🙏
Courtney Dunn Houston Texas

"I haven’t had any problems with. . . my digestive system."

"After 2 surgeries within 2 months my digestive system was not at its best.  My body was feeling it. My feet were swollen to the point of not letting me walk. When I came to see Khabir Southwick I was at my lowest point in my life. Thank God to his expertise in Ayurveda System he gave me back my life. I am now walking and I haven’t had any problems with swelling or my digestive system.  Thank you Khabir.  May God bless you.  Lucinda Castellanos, Santa Ana, CA. May 2020

He helped me heal my gut and get back on track . . .

"Khabir is an excellent! He helped me heal my gut and get back on track after a life of poor digestion."   Marcella Avitia of Svelt Butler, San Jose CA, March 2020

"After I started seeing Khabir and began incorporating his dosha specific diet plans, herbal remedies . . . I experienced immediate results."

 "I started seeing Khabir in 2014 as I had been dealing with chronic digestive problems for my entire life. These issues caused high levels of anxiety and stress on a daily basis and to say that my quality of life was inhibited would be an understatement. After I started seeing Khabir and began incorporating his dosha specific diet plans, herbal remedies, and cleansing, I experienced immediate results. My health and state of mind improved more than I could have imagined. 

Khabir continued to be a positive influence throughout my pregnancy and with his guidance and support I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy in 2015.  Since then my entire family has continued to see Khabir and he has been especially helpful with any kind of ailment and preventative care.  My four year old drinks immune boosting herbal teas and takes his superfood supplement everyday!  It’s truly been amazing to see my family’s health thrive!    

What I appreciate most about Khabir is consistent reliability, how he continues to educate us and his genuine caring nature that makes us feel like family. Thank you Khabir!"  Soren, Sarah and Wyland, Ventura CA July 2019. 

"I now feel healthier than I have in years . . . "

"I have felt out of sorts for years, which is putting it mildly. Over a short time span I went from being vivacious and healthy to having severe digestive issues, fatigue, irritability, difficulty sleeping. After just 1 consultation with Khabir, a modified diet, and some gentle but powerful herbs, I now feel healthier than I have in years - all in under 2 weeks. . . .  Thank you Khabir!!!"  Monique Erickson Sklar, New York, NY

"He cares about your results and will spend time with you"

"Khabir can be very persistent if he feels you need more work in a area that you might think you have already covered...especially when it comes to digestion. He cares about your results and will spend time with you...thank you so much for your knowledge and care sincerely" Brigitte Hayden, Gulfport, Mississippi, 2018

"...the digestive tea and diet, have resolved issues I never thought were possible!"

"My celiac issues, using the digestive herb program, along with the digestive tea and diet, have resolved issues I never thought were possible!  I had suffered for so many years and to be free of digestive issues is amazing. Your imparted wisdom, your dietary program, the teas and herbs, you teaching me as we go to be in control of my own health is such a blessing.  Thank you. I have referred you to as many people as possible and I encourage everyone to seek your services to obtain their own optimum health."  Christine MacInnes, Glendive, MT

"I'm experiencing improved digestion . . ."

"I've been working with Khabir for about eight weeks, in that time I'm experiencing improved digestion, I'm losing weight, and my elimination has improved as well."  Alfred Manzo, Goleta, CA. Aug. 2017

"My stomach feels so much better"

"The herbs are amazing.  My stomach feels so much better, my blood sugar is stabilized in the 120's even after meals and I've even lost 10 pounds since starting the diet and with the herbs.    Can't say thank you enough!."   Christine MacInnes, Glendive. MT, Aug. 2017


"I am no longer bloated and tired when I eat."

"After years of eating disorders and poor digestion and abuse of laxatives and teas. . . .  I am no longer bloated and tired when I eat.   I recommend [Khabir] to any and everyone. What an incredible change in my life. Thank you!"  Elizabeth Tutnauer Rose, Ojai, CA, August 2017

"I faced digestive difficulties, poor appetite, indigestion, nausea at times, burning, acid reflux . . ."

"I faced digestive difficulties, poor appetite, indigestion, nausea at times, burning, acid reflux, and pain, to name the few. My overall health started improving when I contacted herbologist Khabir Southwick who put me on Ayurvedic herbs in mid-2015 onwards. . . . .Give yourself a gift of health! God bless all." Malti Prajapati, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2017

Malti Prajapati, Santa Barbara, CA (gall bladder, digestion, weight, mood, acidity)

"Attention all past, present and future clients (patients) of Khabir,

I had Whipple surgery in 2008 ( removal of gall bladder, part of first small intestine called duodenum and head of Pancreas) because of compacted stones. Since after surgery, my life took a huge turn. I faced digestive difficulties, poor appetite, indigestion, nausea at times, burning, acid reflux, and pain, to name the few. In last 7 years not only I became undernourished, also got underweight, with weak immune, depression, joint pain, and many more issues. My overall started improving when I contacted herbologist Khabir Southwick who put me on Ayurvedic herbs in mid-2015 onwards. He and his seniors in India brought my body from head-to-toe in balance within 2 to 4 wks since the start of herbs.

In my case, if my friend had not recommended Khabir than I could have been in total bed with pancreatic cancer.

He also recommends a specific diet and sends recipes to follow along with herbs.

One does not have to have a disease as severe as me. One can go see him for a minor headache, cold, and flu, etc; He sees local clients in Ojai and distance clients through Skype. Give yourself a gift of health! God bless all." Malti Prajapati, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2017

"[he] very quickly improved my digestive imbalance."

"Khabir's extensive practical and intuitive knowledge very quickly improved my digestive imbalance. It is a pleasure to visit his home office in Ojai, but I would most definitely have Skype appointments if this was not accessible to me. Thank you so much Khabir! Jill Nelson, Santa Barbara CA, March 2016

". . .it literally changed my body, my digestion, I have no more pain . . "

"Since I started working with Khabir, it has been a tremendous help. I had all kind of symptom due to the pre-menopause. And I am taking care of myself, acupuncture, cranio, ect. Khabir suggested me to do the enema bag with a special protocol. I did it and it literally changed my body, my digestion, I have no more pain [and] I have much more energy. Commit to yourself, follow his advice." Joelle Korrichi, Princeton, NJ, March 2015



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick