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If you're missing a day without a bowel movement, this means toxins are increasing in the body, which will lead to inflammation in the GI tract, as well as joints, muscles or even nerves in the future.  The long term effects of constipation, results in fatigue, inflammation, pain, headaches, and nutritional deficiencies, as well as structural changes in the colon (diverticuli.)   Additionally, constipation can obstruct the urinary flow and can lead to recurrent bladder or urinary tract infections.  Fortunately, herbal treatments, supported by the right diet and good eating habits, can resolve constipation in a matter of weeks.  Constipation therapy.

"His main focus was my IBS which I thought I had under control. After following Dr. Khabir’s instructions . . ."

Amazed! I was a bit skeptical because my reason for reaching out to Dr. Khabir was for my extremely dry painful lips. I was referred by my sister and didn’t know anything about him. His main focus was my IBS which I thought I had under control. After following Dr. Khabir’s instructions on eating and taking the herbs he prescribed to me, I’ve noticed a difference with my lips. I can feel the moisture coming back and my lips no longer hurt. It’s been a week, I know my digestion is getting better because my lips feel better. I am so thankful and grateful!.  Tiffany Berkley, Santa Clarita, CA. July 2024

A serious IBS case resolved in a couple weeks

I have been working with Kahbir for a couple months on digestive issues which had previously gotten progressively worse over the past twenty years.  After unexpected weight loss, and other awful symptoms, I sought help from Kahbir.

I've seen several specialists over the years, but none zeroed in on what was wrong.  I was malnourished, but thought I was eating a fairly healthy diet; attributing my symptoms to "getting old" !
After my first 90 minute consultation with Kahbir, he helped me realize that I had  an inflamed colon, and gave me a list of foods to eat and how to prepare them, along with herbs and herbal teas which completely turned me around
in the first few days,  My bathroom issues have improved enormously !!
Khabir is a very extraordinary doctor and healer.  He is a great communicator with a wonderful sense of humor.  He keeps track and checks-in with his patients, making it very easy to follow the  individualized  program. 
His knowledge and intuition are off the charts !
I am so blessed to have received Kahbir's help.
Forever grateful,
Susan of Aptos, CA Aril 1st 2024

I "no longer spend hours in the morning with IBS symptoms"

"Khabir helped me heal my gut and now I'm doing so much better. I followed the herbal and diet program for four months and after many years of IBS and gluten intolerance I am now able to live a much improved life. I'm still careful with my diet, and I'm still using some herbs but I've learned how to eat for my dosha and how to keep the debilitating IBS symptoms under control. I'm also now able to tolerate gluten again, which I never thought would be possible. I had tried many approaches to no avail before a friend forwarded me Khabir's website and I made a Zoom appointment. I thought he might be able to help me a bit, but it turned out his knowledge went much further than that. I feel like I have my life back and no longer spend hours in the morning with IBS symptoms, annoying hemorrhoids, and overall gut discomfort. Much gratitude to Khabir and his helpful staff. I'd highly recommend his Ayurvedic approach to IBS."   Kathryn K, Bergen County, New Jersey, 2023

"[IBS] better in 3 days"

"I have an ulcer and IBS. I was rushed to the ER with severe pain and the doctors only gave me something to reduce my acidity. The teas and herbs have helped me within 3 days and I have no pain anymore. I can see huge improvements already and I’m only in week one of taking the teas. Thank you for all your help!"  Stephany Castellanos, Selma TX., Sep. 2022

"I had stomach cramps, constipation, bleeding, nausea, vomiting . . "

"I came to Khabir with horrible stomach ulcerative colitis issues in May 2019, that were on-going for 3 months. I had stomach cramps, constipation, bleeding, nausea, vomiting. I followed the strict diet, and took the herbal supplements for a few months and began feeling better in July 2019. As of September 2020, I am more than 1 year with no symptoms anymore. I am thankful for having the opportunity to not only heal but also learn about Ayurveda concepts. Thank You for your patience Khabir, and I am much healthier now being able to return to work and enjoy life. Having patience is a key factor in alleviating the symptoms."  E.G.V., Los Angeles, CA. Sep. 2020

Maria of Oxnard CA (diarrhea, pain)

"Diarrhea [from ulcerative colitis] resolved in two to three days . . ."

I am an experienced Medical Doctor – MD for thirty-nine years. Ten months back, I got diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis at the Cedars Sinai Hospital – One of the top Hospitals in the world with respect to Ulcerative Colitis. My world-renowned gastroenterologist treated me with Prednisone and recommended the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which I followed religiously. After three months, I came off Prednisone, but continued the Specific Carbohydrate Diet. A month later, my symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis – bloody diarrhea, gas and abdominal cramping came back. My gastroenterologist wanted me to go on Remicade. Being a medical doctor, I was fully aware of the horrendous side-effects of Remicade. So, I refused to go on it.  . . . I discovered Khabir Soutwick.

On my first appointment . . . Khabir spent over three hours – evaluating my condition, and answering my zillion questions . . .  He gave me clear instructions about “What to Eat and What Not to Eat.” He formulated three Ayurvedic herbal formulas specifically for me. He is truly living the life of Ayurveda.

I started following the treatment religiously. Diarrhea resolved in two to three days. Blood in the stools and excessive gas continued to improve over the next eight weeks. Finally I became symptom-free. I was ecstatic! Gradually, I stopped the herbs and started to adventure the forbidden foods and spices. A month later, I paid the price – symptoms recurred but only mildly. I went back on the herbs and allowed foods and spices. Symptoms resolved in a couple of weeks. And that’s where I stand now. 

I have gained about ten pounds. I have plenty of energy.  It has been an eye-opening experience for me . . . 

Sarfraz Zaidi, MD

" I have better bowel movements now...."

" I feel much calmer and have a lot less mood swings. I have better bowel movements now. Generally, my stomach feels much calmer and belly is now flat."  Anna Lara, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2013

" I have no more pain & I have much more energy..."

"Since I started working with Khabir, it has been a tremendous help. I had all kind of symptom due to the pre-menopause. And I am taking care of myself, acupuncture, cranio, ect. Khabir suggested me to do the enema bag with a special protocol. I did it and it literally changed my body, my digestion, I have no more pain [and] I have much more energy. The protocol takes time and organisation . . . but it is definitely worth the commitment.  I still doing it every week, sometimes two times a week depending on how I feel. Each time I do it, I notice an improvement in my body and energy. Commit to yourself, follow his advise. You are going to be on the happy track." Joelle Korrichi, Princeton, NJ, March 2015

"My bowel movements are regular ....."

"Just wanted to say thank you! My bowel movements are regular.The best news is...I no longer need a pill to sleep or a pill to stay awake!" Bonnie Daugherty, Santa Maria, CA, February 2012



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick