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Muscle pain? Joint pain?

Lymphatic congestion?

Skin conditions? Neurological issues?

A Practical Ayurvedic Panchakarma Program

Self administered or provided in Ojai, CA.

A customized deep detoxification series of treatments specificity to reduce congestion and detoxify the lymphatic system, and skin as well as deep tissue such as muscles, joints and the nervous system.


An Ayurveda Detox and Rejuvenation Process

Panchakarma offers one of the most comprehensive procedures to effectively remove deep toxins from the body. These methods seek to reverse the direction of disease, deny it from manifesting itself, redirect disorders back into the bloodstream, and eventually deposit the toxins into the gastrointestinal tract where they can be eliminated. This cleansing process is achieved through several stages including a [doshic] balancing mono diet, colon herbs, oilation (Snehana) therapy, steam therapy (Svedana) and deep cleansing home treatments (Panchakarma) specific for the individual. Therapies are given to remove toxins (ama) and strengthen specific body tissues and bodily system affected by the illness.

This program is very suitable for those with serious skin conditions, joint or muscle pain, and nerve pain or numbness as well as congestive conditions and weight loss. Furthermore, a complete Panchakarma program strengthens the whole body and rebuilds healthy tissues after the toxins have been expelled.

The benefits of Panchakarma treatments include:

  • Lowered diastolic blood pressure
  • Reductions in bad cholesterol
  • Decreased rates of platelet clumping and lymphatic congestion
  • Decreased major toxic and cancer causing chemicals from body tissues (including heavy metals, pesticides and other hazardous environmental chemicals)
  • Significant reductions in physical  complaints, muscle pain, joint pain, stiffness and psychological inhibition
  • Greater emotional stability and decreased anxiety

Stage One: Purvakarma

Preparatory Cleaning Procedures

The first therapy is generally internal oleation (Snehana) in order to loosen accumulated toxins and help the body enter fat metabolism. This step includes supplementation with digestive herbs before and after meals (dipana and pachana) to strengthen digestion and herbal supplementation at night to improve elimination.

During this stage you will eat a simple mono-diet consisting of a [doshic] specific rice and bean dish prepared with steamed vegetables and spice called kitchari, (mung beans and spices will be provided).

Stage Two: Panchakarma and other cleansing therapies

Mobilize and Eliminate Toxins

In this stage your will receive a warm herbal oil massage massages (Abhyanga) to be done daily (by yourself in your home or in Ojai).  After the application of the herbal oil, steam therapy or a herbal hot bath (Swedana) is done to heat the body and release mobilized toxins.  These treatments together also effectively relax the muscles and nervous system, detoxifies deep tissue and de-stagnates the lymphatic system.*


Sneha is the application of medicated oils to the entire body with gentle massage and allows the toxins to move into the gastrointestinal tract for easy elimination. It is also administered internally for 3 – 5 days depending on the disease and patient's tolerance.


Sweda is sudation or sweating which is done immediately one day after sneha and helps to liquefy the toxins, allowing for easy movement towards the gastrointestinal tract. After sneha and sweda for 3—7 days 'PANCHAKARMA' are done depending upon the patient.

One or more of the following panchakarama and traditional detoxification treatments will be recommended based on the patient's constitution (prakruti), disease state (vikruti), tissues imbalances (dhatus doshi) and other factors.

Ayurveda at-home treatments provided as necessary:

  • Gastrointestinal purgation (Virechana): This treatment is a flushing of the whole GI track with herbal laxatives.  This powerful treatment quickly reduces body heat (pitta); liver, gallbladder and colon congestion which helps improving rashes, itching, skin inflammation and acne.
  • Herbal Enema or Colon Therapy (Basti): There are many variations with enema treatments using herbal teas, herbal oils and even yogurt that are very effective at relieving chronic constipation, arthritis, gout, headaches, rheumatism, IBS, ulcerative colitis and many other conditions.
  • Therapeutic Vomiting Therapy (Vamana): This is an emesis treatment done through the oral route to eliminate excess mucus by means of therapeutic vomiting and is recommended for people suffering from chronic asthma, tonsillitis, anemia, chronic indigestion, sinus problems, cough, cold and most Kapha conditions.
  • Administration of herbal oil in the nose (Nasya): Nasya Oil treatment done daily soothes and protects the nasal passages, relieve sinus congestion and relieve accumulated stress.
  • Blood Cleansing (Rakta Moksha): Using blood purifying herbs this therapy will improve conditions such as repeated infections, gout, enlarged liver or spleen, and all skin disorders such as herpes, rashes, eczema, acne, chronic itching and hives.
  • Herbal Colon Cleansing: Colon cleansing gently encourages your system to rid itself of accumulated toxins, waste, and parasites, while at the same time helping to tone the colon.
  • Liver Flush: Liver detoxification can help remove these unwanted poisons and enable it to function properly. A healthy liver will increase your energy, improve metabolism, and help you burn excess fat.

Stage Three: Rasayana

Rejuvenation and Nutritional Therapy

The final step of panchakarma is rasayana, a term that means "that which is nourishing."  Once the toxins have been released, this is a critical time to begin replenishing the body with the right doshic balancing diet, supportive herbs, superfoods and nutritional support. Wholefoods meal plans based on your dosha and health condition(s) will be addressed.

You will continue taking rejuvenating [Rasayana] herbal formulas and supplements for a few more weeks after the program.

Home therapies provided as necessary:

  • Dietary therapy including juicing (Ahara)
  • Aromatherapy (Gandha Chikitsa)
  • Smoking of herbal mixtures (Dhumana)
  • Fasting (Kshudha)
  • Gargling with oils or herbal tea (Kavala)
  • Topical application of herbal pastes wrapped with bandage (Veshtana)

* Products and supplies can be provided if necessary.

Therapeutic uses of Panchakarma

  • Effective detoxification of lymphatic tissue and skin - helps with most chronic skin conditions, itching, rashes, dry skin and cellulite.*
  • Deep detoxification of muscle and fat tissue - helps with muscle pain;  and reduces cysts, fibroid & tumors.*
  • Detoxes and lubricates joints - helps reduce all forms of joint pain including gout, rheumatoid arthritis & osteoarthritis.*
  • Calms and nourishes the nervous system - helps with anxiety, insomnia, sciatica, neuropathy and other neurological disorders.*
  • Lowers all doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurvedic physicians recommend getting regular Panchakarma treatments to detoxify and nourish your entire mind-body system. In just a few weeks, you will feel renewed, as you release old toxins and open yourself to vibrant health. 

Treatments available & Fees

  • 10 day [self-administered] panchakarma program: $245 Includes: 1 initial assessment and planning appointment plus 1 follow-up appointments. Products included: 16 oz of herbal massage oil, 2 lbs mung bean, 6 oz of seasoning, detox tea (3oz) and a pre-digestive herb taken before meals, a post-digestive herb taken after meals and colon cleansing herb taken at night.
  • Notes: Accommodation is not provided but easily found in Ojai.   Meals not provided but specific dietary guidelines are provided along with organic split mung beans and seasoning.  Other foods are required included basamti rice, ghee and fresh vegetables.  Cooking and meal preparation is required, however, in Ojai a private cook can be recommended.  All treatments are done at home with support. Digestive and elimination herbs will be provided as part of the program. Herbal products and other supplies may be required, and paid separately. A fee of $13.50 is required to ship products in the USA and aprox. $35 for most overseas locations.

For appointment details see 

To set an appointment see 

To get started or discus your health issues with Khabir please submit Online Health Assessment.

Room accommodations if needed

For out-of town clients, arrangements can be made in a clean, quiet, and comfortable room only 10 minutes away from my office.

The National Institute of Health Office of Complementary and Alternative Medicine currently considers Ayurveda a form of complementary and alternative medicine in the United States. In the State of California, Ayurveda is a non-licensed profession. Its practice was formally legalized under the passage of Senate Bill 577 in January 2003. Ayurvedic consultations are considered alternative or complementary to healing arts that are licensed by the State of California.

Success Stories

Maria Blair, Santa Barbara

His deep knowledge of Ayurveda and his skills as a Master Herbalist are life changing . . . . .I highly recommend him to everybody.

Dore' and Guido, Ojai, CA

Khabir's highly knowledgeable and exceptionally thorough understanding of Ayurveda is a health-enhancing gift to others..

Donna Day, Ventura CA.

It was very helpful to learn of my Ayurvedic diet and start using the oils you recommended and, of course, the herbal products. Thanks So Much

Sonia Nordenson, Ojai

Khabir Southwick is an expert on Ayurveda and nutrition.

Love Alice James, Los Angeles

Your warm oil massage and hot steam treatment was unbelievable! After this experience I dont think I could enjoy a dry massage again. There is no questions that the Indian system of massage with warm oils is not only very relaxing and detoxifying but great for the skin and has noticeably reduced my joint pain. I look forward to my drive to Ojai again for next treatment.



Khabir Southwick is available for consultations remotely via Zoom, offering his expertise to clients worldwide.

 Fees and Health Assessment Forms

Call or text 888-611-0878 for more information.  For general inquires: email support @ KhabirsClinic .com

The information on this website, related social media accounts and websites and email newsletters is for educational purposes only. We make no claims that specific nutrition, herbal therapies, diet, or other health-related decisions will cure or mediate any disease or medical condition; this includes cancer, or Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19). It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. The information contained herein is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. Medical advice must only be obtained from a Medical Doctor.  Complete Disclaimer.  Privacy & Covid19 policy.


Contact Info

California Location:
723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


© 2009-2023 Khabir Southwick