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Boost Immunity with Fasting

Fasting is a cleansing technique. For good health, we need a balance of cleansing and nourishing. Both cleansing and nourishing require a healthy digestion. Digestion means to separate out the good from the bad, assimilating what is nourishing and eliminating the waste. If someone has good digestion, assimilation and elimination, then fasting isn't indicated.  However, if someone has poor digestion, assimilation and elimination, they could feel undernourished, tired, have food cravings, and be accumulating waste materials in the body. This is when fasting is indicated. Fasting then is a method to promote cleansing of old waste, to re-set the digestion, and to provide for better assimilation, and therefore deep nourishment.

There are counter-indications for fasting. If someone is very young, very old, or very weak, they should not undertake fasting. Also, if someone has a diagnosed illness and is under a doctor's care, they should not undertake fasting on their own.

If you know your constitutional type, please note that vata's should fast the least amount of time, pitta's a moderate amount, and kapha's the greatest amount.


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Why we get viral infections? What weakens our immune system.

Preventing and Recovering from the Common Cold, the Flu or a Viral Infection

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The statements made herein both written and spoken are solely for educational purposes only and are mainly based upon the author's own opinion and personal understanding.  You should always consult with a qualified professional before taking any dietary, nutritional or herbal supplements or beginning any therapy.  The author is not intending to provide any medical advice, or offer a substitute thereof, and makes no warrant, expressed or implied with respect to any product or therapy, whatsoever.




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723 Fernando St. Ojai - Business license #8111 Map (by appointment)

Texas Location:

30880 Setting Sun Dr, Bulverde, TX 78163  Map  (by appointment)

Contact Info:
Office: (805) 858-9222


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